Advantages of laser acupuncture

Laser acupuncture is a relatively new stimulation method, which uses low energy laser beams instead of regular acupuncture needles. This procedure is often preferred for effective treatment of various painful conditions, like arthritis of the knee, carpal tunnel syndrome, chronic headache in children, tennis elbow etc. The practitioners usually have extensive knowledge and understanding of traditional Chinese medicine, so they know how different acupuncture points might function. The laser acupuncturist will aim a light beam from a laser point on a certain acupuncture point. The light beam stimulates the acupuncture point in a similar way to acupuncture needles. The acupuncture point is heated with the visible laser beam. Sometimes an invisible infrared laser might be used as well.

What is laser acupuncture?

I remember that I mentioned acupuncture points in my last text about nail fungus cure, but let us just go over the topic again. The stimulation of acupuncture points (specific skin points) with laser beam is called laser acupuncture. Electrical impulses are transmitted along nerves to the brain and spinal cord, which results in general improvement, healing and overall well being. Chinese people have been using acupuncture for thousands of years. However, the West found out about acupuncture in the 1970s. Nowadays, these Eastern techniques are combined with modern Western knowledge. Instead of acupuncture needles, lasers are used in this procedure. The laser provides similar acupuncture effects. However, it provides anti inflammatory effect as well. The laser has non thermal (photochemical) effect on your cells. The cells absorb the light energy and convert it to chemical energy. The function of the cells is improved, thus allowing healing. Enzymes, like serotonin and endorphins, are also released. This results with further pain relief.

Advantages of laser acupuncture

Laser acupuncture has numerous advantages. This treatment is drug free and painless. It can be used simultaneously with other types of treatments. The laser has minor effect on healthy tissue. Lasers have no side effects. However, special care is needed if the patient is pregnant or has cancer. The eyes should be always protected as well. You can take the treatment right after an injury. It will not interfere with metal implants, pacemakers etc. Acupuncture is a procedure that can be used for various conditions. It reduces inflammation, promotes healing and pain relief, improves the general health and boosts the immune system.

Uses of laser acupuncture

Laser acupuncture can serve 2 purposes: it stimulates the acupuncture points and serves as an anesthetic effect in a therapeutic program. This laser procedure is better than the needle method in certain cases. Patients who are afraid of needles (especially kids), usually prefer lasers. Using a laser makes the procedure aseptic and noninvasive. It reduces the pain drastically, as well as the recovery time usually associated with traditional invasive treatments. In most cases, the laser method can treat the same conditions as the needle method. Laser therapy can reduce the patient trauma significantly. In general, it is a great choice for conditions where there is a risk of cross infection. However, this treatment is somewhat limited when it comes to peripheral points because the laser beam is not able to penetrate beyond 5 mm. Many acupuncture clinics invest in intelligent and user friendly laser systems.

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