Fallout series

Yet another on the list of old forgotten games that deserve all the praise it can get is the Fallout. There are several games in the Fallout series and the time span of publishing them is at times rather long. It is a turn based adventure game or RPG that sets you in a post-apocalyptic world. You take on the role of a character that, depending on the game, has different ordeals or destinies. Along the way you meet a lot of NPC and enter some interesting habitats. But the true essence of the game lays in story-telling. The story of Fallout is so compelling that it has, after a 10 year wait, spawned a successor to the main storyline, too much of the fans’ thrill. However, Fallout 3 did not exactly meet the expectations and while receiving favorable reviews, it has remained in the shadows of its two elder siblings. This is truly a pearl of game designing and it emerged in the age where things like graphics quality were considered almost a nuisance.


People back then focused on different aspects, and that is precisely why these games have hordes of fans evens now. Most of those people are actually quite old gamers and new generations do not really know what Fallout or Fallout 2 are all about, which is a terrible mistake. To prevent any spoilers we will not discuss what the game is about, we will only say that it is worth all the praise it can get and as many stars or top grade marks it can receive in any review.

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