The Pop-Up campers

The Pop-Up campersThe Pop-Up campers are becoming a popular decision for summer vacations, not only are they a cheaper option then regular apartments, but they are also great for moving between different locations; you just close the camper and you transport it to a different location. Back in the 30s and 40s these campers had the name Tent Trailer, it went popular due to above mentioned reasons and also the fact that it’s cheap to own or rent it. Usually the Trailer Tent consists out of a trailer frame, a roof with a box, pull-out bunks and some soft walls which are in most cases made out of vinyl – with smaller windows attached to them.

Although it features a gas refrigerator, a stove, a rooftop with air conditioners, a heater, exterior shower and similar perks, in most cases the smaller Trailer Tent are used to accommodate a maximum of two people. The setting up of the camper is pretty easy, you just need to disconnect it from the vehicle, chock it and level it.

After that comes the tent adjustment and additional steps in setting up electrical equipment, which can vary from model to model. Most of the Campers ask for a proper vehicle in front of them for the actual transfer, but there are also smaller models like the Aspen Ambassador which can be pulled with a bike. If you are interested in learning more about Trailer Tents, then be sure to visit Wikipedia and check out some articles which can explain various models, and if you are interested in renting one, then jump over to our partner site and check out their prices: Trailer Tent Rental.

Plans For New HTC Windows Phone 8 Dropped

While the iPhone is still considered one of the best smartphones on the market, the Windows Phone is currently making a big push. To further capitalize on the surging popularity of these new phones, the HTC Windows Phone 8 was set to be released as a bigger screen version of its predecessor. The intent was to go challenge other Android smartphones with large displays. However, the plans had to be scrapped once they realized that the phone does not support a high resolution screen. Currently Microsoft’s operating system offers 720p resolution, while most large display competitors offer 1080p or in some cases even better. In my opinion, it was a good move for HTC to go ahead and drop these plans because otherwise they would have been surely bashed in reviews for the poor quality of the display screen. For my taste, I do not like large display phones, but some people enjoy gaming and watching videos on their phones and for those people having a quality display is the most important a phone can have. If HTC wants to stay competitive and capture the growing demand for this type of phone in the near future, they will have to make big decisions like this and stay on the cutting edge. You can read more about the full details of the on Tech Crunch at, including other reviews about the products HTC offers. While you are there, check out reviews of all the latest gadgets available for the holiday season. Sources: Maytag Quiet Series 300 Manual and Hp Officejet Pro K8600 Manual

Fallout series

Yet another on the list of old forgotten games that deserve all the praise it can get is the Fallout. There are several games in the Fallout series and the time span of publishing them is at times rather long. It is a turn based adventure game or RPG that sets you in a post-apocalyptic world. You take on the role of a character that, depending on the game, has different ordeals or destinies. Along the way you meet a lot of NPC and enter some interesting habitats. But the true essence of the game lays in story-telling. The story of Fallout is so compelling that it has, after a 10 year wait, spawned a successor to the main storyline, too much of the fans’ thrill. However, Fallout 3 did not exactly meet the expectations and while receiving favorable reviews, it has remained in the shadows of its two elder siblings. This is truly a pearl of game designing and it emerged in the age where things like graphics quality were considered almost a nuisance.


People back then focused on different aspects, and that is precisely why these games have hordes of fans evens now. Most of those people are actually quite old gamers and new generations do not really know what Fallout or Fallout 2 are all about, which is a terrible mistake. To prevent any spoilers we will not discuss what the game is about, we will only say that it is worth all the praise it can get and as many stars or top grade marks it can receive in any review.

GroovBoard for iPad

iPad GroovBoard is an interesting addition for every iPad user. It is a wooden device which accommodates the iPad in a few different positions and there is enough room for the famous Bluetooth keyboard designed by Apple. The device really looks good and it enhances the practicality of the device. It is available in different types of wood such as plum, oak, maple, ash, alder, walnut, cherry and apple. This accessory weighs around two pounds and the angles are well cut. Moreover, it has an extender which is removable and it is held tightly in place with the help of four distinct magnets. The most important fact about the device is that it can be used in different ways. First of all, the users can use it as a simple stand.


The second way in which you can use the GroovBoard is by putting the Bluetooth keyboard on it. This means that the customers can use their iPads in the way in which they use small laptops and notebooks. GroovBoard for iPad is a very practical and easy to use device which should be found in every home. It is not an expensive addition and it will enhance the iPad experience, bringing it to the topmost level. The price ranges from approximately $90 to $120. The design of the accessory is quite good and it is also very portable. There are many web sites which publish news about Apple products. Nevertheless, not all of them are trustworthy. 

Finally: an iTunes 11 review

Although there has been a setback (a slightly embarrassing one we must say), the long-expected iTunes 11 was finally released after a delay of one month. Most users and reviewers agree that it was worth to wait because Apple upgraded iTunes massively for this version, adding a brand new design which emphasizes the album art and photos instead of featuring only the boring lists of music we were used to. What’s even more important is that this version of iTunes is much faster and it is more easily connected with the Internet, allowing Apple store access directly from the user’s library.


The version 11 of iTunes creates the impression of working on an iPad instead of using a desktop application, which isn’t a bad thing at all. Although the new interface takes a little time and practice to get used and many users were a little confused by it, most people like it more when they get familiar with it. As always, it is very easy to figure out how to use the new version of this application. If you have been using the iTunes of any other version before, you will notice that the categories are still the same and they are quite easy to access. The album view is featured as a default, and I don’t think that anyone could have a problem with that because it displays the albums beautifully by cover.